Playing Fantsy Hero: A mass combat system that allows players to handle large battles in Fantasy Hero. There is also a lengthy bibliography that lists books and movies that can provide inspiration for GMs and players.
Locations: Floor plans and descriptions for a variety of fantasy locations, ranging from a humble farmhouse to a mighty keep.
Bestiary: Full write-ups and descriptions for more than 75 fantasy creatures and monsters.
Magic Items: Using the guidelines presented in Fantasy Hero, we present dozens of magic items. These range from trivial items like potions and scrolls to unique - and powerful - artifacts.
Spellbook: Taking up where Fantasy Hero left off, this Companion presents 13 more spell colleges, with hundreds of new spells.
Fantasy Hero is usable as a stand-alone product, but does not include the HERO System rules, only discussions of how to apply those rules. For the rules themselves, you'll need the HERO System core rulebook.