Naruto Uzumaki is a shinobi from Hidden Leaf Village. He became the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails on the day of his birth – a fate that caused him to be shunned by most of Konoha throughout his childhood. In the following years, through many hardships and ordeals, he became a capable ninja regarded as a hero both by the villagers, and soon after, the rest of the world, becoming known as the Hero of the Hidden Leaf.
Multiple Hand Gestures! Recreate your favorite Naruto Shippuden moments, and adventures!
Signature Accessories plus a Hidden Sticker! Including Kunai weapons for this cunning ninja! Celebrating 20 Years of this epic ninja tale!
29 pts of Articulation! Killer Poseability!
Beautiful 3-sided Window Box! Great for the in-box, and out-of-box Collectors!